1. Support: Pursuing a Ph.D. is a significant and challenging undertaking that requires the right support system. It is crucial to choose a supervisor who is willing to assist and guide you throughout your academic journey. In the event you’re unsure of how to select one, pursue a field you’re passionate about and familiar with so that you can support yourself internally and maintain motivation.
  2. Publication rejection: One way to gain global recognition and international credit for your Ph.D. work is through the publication path. While this is a good path to take, it comes with its own set of challenges, including rejection of your papers multiple times. Dealing with such rejections can be challenging, but it is important to remain resilient, as persistence is the key to success.
  3. Stuck mode: It is common for students to feel stuck two years into their Ph.D. program, leading them to question whether it is worth continuing. They may feel they have wasted time, need more money, and should pursue other opportunities. However, it is advisable to exercise patience and see the program through to completion. This way, other opportunities will become available to you. If you have doubts about continuing after starting, it’s best not to waste your time, your supervisor’s time, or the place of another student who may be more committed to the program.